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Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Slag - Transformers Power of The Primes

Transformers Slag - Power of The Primes

Slag - Transformers Power of The Primes

Transformers Slag - G1

Transformers Slag

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Alternate modes: Mechanical Triceratops, Cybertronian Tank
Function:                 Flamethrower
Gender:                 Male
Rank:                 4
Sub-group:         Dinobots, Dynobots, Lightning Strike Coalition

Transformers Slag -POTP

Slag (aka Slug) is the Dinobot most likely to live up to the team's bad reputation. Slag is surly, mean-spirited, nasty, and disturbingly violent, to the point where it really is a wonder he's not a Decepticon. Slag will fight anyone, over anything, at the drop of a microchip, and fight dirty. Slag enjoys nothing more than reducing his enemies to pools of molten metal with his fire-breath (and he's more than willing to include annoying Autobots on that list). He'd swim in the pools to celebrate if he could.

Transformers Slag - Hot-headed Dinobot Warrior

Slag was developed, along with his fellow Dinobots Sludge and Grimlock, after the Autobots discovered dinosaur bones in their volcanic headquarters. Inspired by the power of the prehistoric beasts, Wheeljack and Ratchet built a trio of Dinobots to add firepower to the Autobot forces. The Dinobots proved too dangerous at first, and Optimus Prime ordered Wheeljack to abandon the Dinobot project. Wheeljack continued improving the trio of titans in secret, crafting memory components that made them smarter and easier to control. When the rest of the Autobots were captured by the Decepticons at the Great Falls hydroelectric power plant, Wheeljack dispatched the Dinobots to free their comrades and destroy the Decepticons. The Dinobots succeeded in forcing a Decepticon retreat and were welcomed as members of the Autobot team.

Transformers Slag - (Motto) "I have no need for friends, even less for enemies."

One of Slag's greatest weaknesses was his hostility, and Megatron was able to use this to his advantage, turning the Dinobots against Optimus Prime. A new pair of Dinobots, Snarl and Swoop, stalled the old trio until the unstable meteor nearby exploded. Witnessing Optimus Prime valiantly save Grimlock from the explosion, the Dinobots decided that he was a good, passionate leader, and turned against Megatron as his squad escaped.

Transformers Slag - Prime Armour

Slag was sent with the four other Dinobots to an airport with Decepticons in the vicinity, despite his dislike of everything. Breaking into their secret hideout with Snarl, Slag then melted Starscream's null-ray, to the Seeker's horror, and when he was dogpiled by Thrust and Thundercracker, threw them into a plane. When the Dinobots carelessly reverted to robot mode, an explosion knocked them down. Back at the base, Ratchet, Hoist and Wheeljack were able to repair them after countless hours of work. But after the Dinobots heard Optimus send them out for another mission, they had enough. Slag was sick of taking orders and decided to take orders from Grimlock only, and the Dinobots left the Ark. However, when Carly informed the Dinobots that the Autobots were low on cybertonium, Slag refused to help out, but Grimlock dragged him to Cybertron anyway, since they would be away from the Autobots. When they reached Cybertron, Slag rammed Shockwave and then tried to turn him into a chew-toy. For this, the logic-driven Decepticon altered the Dinobots' memory circuits and put them to work in the Cybertonium Pit. Two squishies ended up saving them.

Transformers Slag - Prime Armour and Blastor

Alt Mode Triceratops 

Transformers Slag - Triceratops

During the Battle of Autobot City, the Dinobots battled Devastator. Slag was the only one that managed to get a hit on Devastator, ramming into him at full speed. After evacuating Autobot City in the wake of Galvatron's attack, the Dinobots refused to leave, and Kup was forced to push Slag into the ship. Possibly to avoid being killed, Kup told the Dinobots about one of his encounters with an Ick-Yak. The Dinobots, along with Kup and Hot Rod, were shot down and crashed on Quintessa. The Dinobots searched for the two Autobots, with Grimlock believing they were close by, but Slag disagreed. They started hurling insults, and things might have turned violent, had Wheelie not appeared and pointed them in the right direction. He and Sludge broke down a door as Sharkticons prepared to execute the Autobots, giving a belated "Excuse me!" to a Quintesson prosecutor—who was being crushed under the combined weight of Slag, Sludge, and the door. Later, Slag literally burned the butt of a god.

Transformers Slag - Triceratops Prime Armour 

Transformers Slag - POTP Armour 

The Dinobots were bathing in Cybertron and offered to let Grimlock join their fishing game. Grimlock politely declined, and later Slag declared that "Grimlock no fun" when Grimlock had his miraculous intelligence boost.

Slag was one of the Primitives who were called by Primacron's assistant to battle Primacron's newest creation, Tornedron. When Grimlock was believed destroyed when Trypticon crashed on him, Slag took command of the Dinobots. He came up with an incredibly innovative strategy—lead the Dinobots away until he got a better idea. Hun-Gurrr thought it was the best idea yet. After Tornedron dispatched the other Primitives, Slag and the Dinobots attacked him, only to have their energy sucked from them. Fortunately, Grimlock survived Trypticon's weight and destroyed Tornedron, fixing everything.

Transformers Slag - Sweeps

Transformers Slag - Charge!

Transformers Slag - Scourge Down

Transformers - Slag, Sludge, Swoop, Grimlock

Prime Wars Trilogy Cartoons

When Megatron and his team arrived in the Primal Swamp, Slug and the other Dinobots attacked the trespassers. Slug repeatedly attacked Windblade, but she managed to keep him off his guard using her speedy flight. Undeterred, Slug merged with his fellow Dinobots to become Volcanicus.The Dinobots later separated, but were taken aback when Grimlock agreed to join Megatron's group. Unable to agree with the decision, Slug and the other Dinobots departed. Unfortunately, they were found by Overlord and Rodimus Cron, who attacked and soundly defeated them. Unable to move, Slug could only watch as Rodimus killed Sludge and departed with Overlord, leaving him and the others to mourn the loss of their own. He was later severely weakened by the spark-draining power of Megatronus's doomsday weapon. Fortunately, he ultimately survived and he and the others reunited with Grimlock, collectively mourning Sludge.

NOTE: Slag have been renamed Snarl, because of the offensive meaning of the word slag in some countries, or Slug to differentiate him from fellow Dinobot Snarl.

Transformers Slag - Almost have the whole team together

Back of Package

The Autobots and Decepticons use Prime Masters to wield the incredible powers of the most legendary bots in the universe: the Primes. Prime Masters carry the spark of a Prime, allowing them to share a Prime's godlike ability with other bots. How will the fire-breathing warrior Dinobot Slug wield this epic power? Anything is possible and everything is at stake when the Power of the Primes is unleashed!

Deluxe Class Dinobot Slug
Modes: robot, Triceratops
Converts in 12 steps
Includes Prime Armor accessory, blaster accessory, and collector card
Works with Prime Master figures

Transformers POTP Dinobots

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